Tips to get authentic Japanese hair

16 Best Kept Japanese Beauty Secrets You Should Be Aware Of

Hair plays a significant role to women in our society, with its history dating back to show different symbols across generations, continents, genders, and religions worldwide. It symbolizes femininity identity, boosts our appearance, represents freedom and beauty, was used as a sign of liberation, and used to express ourselves. Japanese have some of the best and great hair globally, having a shiny texture making it very healthy. For customer experiences opinions about matters concerning hair, visit customer feedback and viori review. Go to cosmetic to get good tools and brushes for hair. Healthy hair is a way to boost self-esteem, and these are tips to get authentic Japanese hair;
1. Vitamin C
Japanese incorporate Vitamin C into their diet daily. Oranges are good as they help deoxidize and remove melanin giving a fair completion. Vitamin C also helps majorly prevent aging and enhance collagen supply in the body. In the hair, it promotes hair growth, reduces hair loss, helps to strengthen hair, and improves hair growth. Japanese consume Vitamin C in their drinks, foods, supplements making their hair great. Other sources of vitamin C include; strawberries, broccoli, potatoes, peppers, blackcurrants.
2. Brush regularly
Japanese brush their hair several times a day using tsuge, hardwood, and most dense woods. It helps to distribute natural oils evenly across the hair and scalp. Using the combs from the woods gives the hair a shiny sheen preventing it from staticity.
3. Camelia oil
It is an oil blend of protein-containing vitamin E and glycerides. VitaminE is a moisturizer, while glycerides prevents loss of moisture. These components ensure that hair strands don’t split and are more resilient, giving overall healthy hair. Japanese understand these benefits and use camellia oil to condition their hair and other oils.
4. Green tea
Green tea  has numerous benefits to the skin, the body and hair. It helps burn fat, protects from aging of the brain, prevents cardiovascular diseases, prevents type2 diabetes, contains antioxidants that play a good role in lowering cancers. In the hair, green tea has components called epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG) that inhibit the activity of hormones that bring about loss of hair and stimulate hair follicles. For this reason, it promotes the growth of hair and prevents hair loss. Many green tea leaves serve different purposes, so check before buying to suit your intended reason. Japanese understand these benefits and take green tea every day.
5. Cleaning the hair
Washing the hair every day is among the things that the Japanese do. It helps to remove excess oils that could cause an itchy scalp; it promotes hair growth because you clean the scalp removing dead hair follicles that limit growth of hair. However, after washing, it is good that ypu dry your hair to prevent bacteria that come with damp hair or irritation. Wet hair attracts more dirt, and it can cause a lot of aggravation on the scalp when it accumulates. Researchers advise avoiding regular deep cleaning as it removes essential natural oils from the hair exposing the scalp to harsh conditions. Suppose you work out every day or work in environments that expose you to dust. Wash your hair daily.
6. Products
Japanese have hair conditioners and shampoos that protect their hair and skin and add important natural ingredients to their hair. Many shampoos worldwide are made to leave the hair weak by removing even the important natural oils from the scalp. Among shampoos, Japanese use includes persimmon, seaweed, and camellia.
7. Balanced diet
It looks like a cliché to mention the consumption of protein , carbohydrates, viatmins in their proper proportions, but it is very crucial. Eating the vitamins taking enough water and supplements will boost every part of  the body including the hair. The hair uses very the minerals in the body to generate hair, and no amount of outside care will work if the follicles produce weak and unhealthy hair. That is why one needs to take care of their consumption first. Japanese eat their traditional balanced diet with seaweed rich in iodine and keratin that gives a healthy skin. Another significant part of the Japanese meal is fish, rice, soup, and vegetables.
8. Seasons
Understanding the seasons when you live in places that experience different seasons: winter, summer, spring, and autumn. Various products are made for different seasons of the year when it comes to your hair. Therefore, it is essential to experiment and change products to suit the seasons in Japan. Some hairstyles are recommended for the different seasons of the year.
In conclusion, these  Japanese practices are done daily to be efficient. Give the weeks to show results. Having healthy hair will make you confident and get you the appearance you envision.