Finding yourself in a room full of strange gym equipments can be very overwhelming, especially if it is your first time to see actual fitness machines. When putting up a home gym, the easiest place to start is with cardio machines. Most cardio machines use spontaneous motions that you are likely familiar with – walking, running, pedaling a bike, or climbing stairs.
But if you have already conquered the cardio area, it is time to familiar yourself other gym equipments to achieve a more holistic workout. Take it one or two equipments at a time so you will not feel overwhelmed. Below are a few of the different gym equipments that you might find as a useful addition to your home gym. But before that, one important reminder: make sure that you let a home gym assembly expert set up your gym equipments at home to avoid accidents and injuries.
The Smith Machine
The Smith machine is an ideal equipment if you want to build muscles. A barbell housed in a fixed vertical track and limiting the barbell to a specific set range of motion, the Smith machine does about the same thing that a standard weight-training machine does. This equipment has safety stops that you can set before working out, keeping the bar from falling below any specified height.
Power Rack
The power rack lets you lift heavy weights without a spotter. Its steel rails outline a cube rectangle you can step into. The barbell goes straight through the middle of the cube, protruding out the middle of the sides. In order to avoid hurting your muscles, you can set safety stops at any level of the power rack you want.
Cable Machines
Cable machines link interchangeable handles to a weight stack using a cable that runs through a pulley, which may be fixed or adjustable. Generally, adjustable pulleys simply slide along a rail, but functional cable equipments these days have pulleys mounted on swing arms that adjust through several planes.
Plyometric Platforms
Plyometric platforms are the sturdy boxes that you see used by people doing aerobic exercises. These platforms are used to perform jumping exercises to build power. They can also be used as elevated bases for strength training exercises like leg dips or step-ups.
Depending on your goal, you will likely find at least one machine that will match your needs. But on top of everything, think of your safety first. Have your home gym equipments assembled by gym equipment assembly professionals. There have already been thousands of accidents at home caused by poorly installed home gym equipments. Don’t let that happen to you. Let a home gym assembly expert take care of your gym equipment assembly needs.